Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Blog Sites to Consider

Here in Tech Tips, we share all kinds of ideas about how technology can make a difference for nonprofit organizations. But, it’'s not always about what *I* think. There are an awful lot of people on the Internet who have great ideas and advice. For a change of pace, let’'s take a look at what some of these folks have to say. Read more...

Mixing Business with Pleasure Online, A Personal Strategy

socialmediaSocial media is all the rage right now. I'’ve even talked about it a few times here in TechTips ( Get Creative with Twitter and other Social Media , What Should I Write About on My Nonprofit Organization’s Blog, etc.). With the interconnectedness of Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, YouTube, LinkedIn, Ning, WordPress, StumbleUpon, Delicio.us, MyBlogLog, Foursquare, and who knows what else, it can get to be too much. Read more...

Film Festival Gives Nonprofits Exposure

I've recently run across an organization called Lights. Camera. Help. that has created a new way for nonprofits to take their recorded messages to a new audience. Last year, LCH put together a film festival that showcased both movies and PSAs created by other nonprofits. In addition to expanding each organization's reach, they have also provided a judged forum for these pieces of work to be acknowledged and rewarded. Read more...

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