Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

The Best and Most Available Tools for Identifying Prospective Donors

donorprofileTicket sales and registration fees help cover the costs of an organization’s activities, but donors are a non-profit’s life-blood. Cultivating current donors and attracting new ones is often a time consuming task, so choosing the right tools to help simplify the process is essential. Read more...

Google for Nonprofits Program Provides Free Technology Solutions

googleNPThe need for free or inexpensive software is huge in the nonprofit community, as we have to be good stewards of our supporters’ contributions. There are alternatives to some of the most common (and expensive) programs that are typically used. Read more...

Advance Your Nonprofit (and Your Career) by Writing an Ebook

ebookWithout a doubt, the advances of technology have benefitted nonprofits in countless ways. The ability to take online donations, web sites that inform about your cause, and donor databases are just a few of the tools that have improved the quality and efficiency of the work done by nonprofit organizations. The ease with which we can now produce information “products” has provided yet another avenue for outreach, and ebooks can play a role in this. Read more...

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