Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Review - CYMA Not-For-Profit Accounting Software

softwarereview-1501_thumbCYMA Not-For-Profit Accounting Software CYMA Not-For-Profit Accounting Software is geared for mid-level organizations that have a variety of accounting and human resources activities to conduct. It is a modular system that allows for organizations to choose ala carte the pieces that are relevant to their particular needs. Read more...

Find Free Stock Photos for Your Web Site or Print Materials

stock_xchngNonprofits work on a “shoestring budget” just as much as (or more than) small businesses and even individual family homes. When you’re focused so intently on using your donor’s contributions to further your mission, it can be hard to justify putting money toward other more “frivolous” things. Read more...

How Nonprofits Can Use Pinterest

pinterestWe’ve talked a lot in the past about the importance of social media and networking. There have been plenty of Tech Tips about Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, for example. Well, there’s a new social media site on the block, and its popularity with women is making both businesses and nonprofits sit up and take notice. Read more...

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