Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Fund Accounting - Keeping The Money Straight

Proper accounting is critical to the success of any organization, but it is handled differently with nonprofit groups. While both nonprofit and for profit organizations may be looking to increase their assets, the nonprofit approach of fund accounting has the primary goal of keeping the system highly accountable for the money that is held by the organization, and not simply with growing it further. Read more...

Review of NorthStarDb

NorthStarDb is designed and priced to help small and mid-sized organizations get started with a good database for very little cost. It is also designed to provide the core features that organizations need to manage constituent information and do fundraising. NorthStarDb is primarily designed for use on desktop machines and local area networks. This allows the organization to maintain control for their data and assure its security.   Read more...

Review: TurningPoint

turningTurningPoint is an interesting solution for organizations that need to gauge constituent response.  In terms of non-profits, it is mainly geared toward educational institution, but other applications could certainly be devised as the nonprofit world becomes more high-tech.  Basically, the system integrates with PowerPoint in order to poll audience members.  This has a variety of implications, and for educational purposes can allow teachers to gauge students’ comprehension throughout a lesson.  Additionally, the system can be used for test situations, potentially streamlining the testing/grading/feedback cycle to be more efficient.


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