Jeff Merron, Contributing Editor

Jeff Merron, Contributing Editor

Computer systems for nonprofits

"The nature of the model depends on the kind of animal we are."
--Evolutionary Biologist Richard Dawkins, TED Conference, 2005

It's hard out there for a nonprofit that's trying to make decisions about what kind of computer systems to buy. Every nonprofit, ranging from local organizations with staffs numbering in the single digits to large, relatively well-funded international organizations such as the Red Cross, has unique technology needs. But the basic priniciples for making technology decisions are similar, as is the big challenge: keeping expenses as low as possible. Smaller organizations may simply not have very much money to spend; larger ones have to keep a close eye on the bottom line because donors want to know that most of their money is being spent on the mission, and not the machines. Read more...

From the Top - cMarket

cMarket's Jon Carson talks to NPTech News

NPTech News: What is the current focus of your company's business?
Carson: cMarket helps non profits to improve their businesses. We provide fundraising organizations with a unique internet based end-to-end fundraising auction platform that enables them to 1.) raise more money, 2.) expand their reach to build awareness for their cause, which combines to 3.) make their lives easier. Some of our non profit customers have moved their entire silent auction event to us to run online, others are running their auctions online with us as a build up to a live event. By being online, they naturally expand their reach beyond their geography or usual affinity audience to reach donors who are interested in the non-profit's mission or maybe just want to bid on some Red Sox tickets and other unique items. Read more...

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