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Make Your Summer Fundraising Activities Fun Featured

Make Your Summer Fundraising Activities Fun Angelo Pantazis

As we move closer to yet another summer characterized by great weather and amazing outdoor activities, there are opportunities that you should consider taking advantage of for your fundraising. This could mean a lot for a nonprofit seeking to collect money for particular causes. The key here is to get your donors as excited and involved as possible while encouraging them to bring in their friends and family. While many approaches exist, there are no better ways than using creative fundraising events. Here are some creative methods to make your summer fundraising fun.

  1. Beach volleyball

There are only a few better ways that beat enjoying the sun and sand and playing beach volleyball during summer. As you think of the better methods to attract donors to your fundraising events, consider this method. Set up a beach volleyball tournament and ask teams to raise a certain amount as an entry fee. Offer tiered incentives to motivate the participants. Consider looking for sponsors to help you in your event.

  1. Host a Swim-a-thon

Many people like swimming, especially during the summer holiday. As a nonprofit, consider taking advantage of this love for swimming to gather a crowd in your nearest community swimming pool on one of the hot midsummer days. A swim-a-thon is a perfect opportunity for nonprofits to get money. Talk with a hotel or any institution with a pool nearby and request their help setting up the event. Find swimmers willing to participate in the competition and seek people to fund the event. Encourage the participants to bring their families. Bring pamphlets to show the swimmers and other participants your cause.

  1. Organize a BBQ Dinner or cook-off

Not many people will resist a BBQ dinner during the summer holidays. Therefore, as a fundraiser, take advantage of people’s love for food and rent equipment donated, then host a BBQ dinner in a nearby open space. You can do this at the parking lot in your organization. Sell tickets for meals and spice up the event by looking for a collection of soft music to soothe the participants. Drum up excitement by sharing it on social media and asking participants to pay a small fee for the charity.

  1. Host a summer fun run

Fun runs have become famous in nonprofit circles. As you think about fundraising ideas, perhaps this one might interest you as well. Although you can organize a 5K any time of the year, summer weather can be a massive boost to the attendance of such an event. Start the event earlier in the morning to avoid too much heat at the advanced hours of the day. Have volunteers to hand over the water, ice and other drinks to the participants to keep them happy.

  1. Adventure scavenger hunt

For many, summer is the time for adventure. A scavenger hunt is one of the best fundraising ideas you can think of, although it might take a bit more planning. With the right preparation, you can give your supporters the experience of their lifetime. Work with local businesses and set up an adventure scavenger hunt where you leave clues and challenges around specific parts of the city for contestants to hunt down and complete. Request those interested to raise a specific amount for them to participate.

  1. Hiking and camping

If you want to spend a little amount, hikes and camping can be the perfect approach you should consider. Lead the participants to a camping site. Ask the interested persons to bring their equipment and pay a small registration fee. Give them t-shirts and bags and offer them dinner.

  1. Fourth of July party

One of the ways to throw a summer party while fundraising is to celebrate the nation’s independence. Host a BBQ in a nearby yard and ask your supporters to bring their friends. Charge a small entry fee for food and drink and welcome donations at the door for those who come in.

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Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

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