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Content Marketing for Nonprofits

While podcasts aren’t as popular as they once were, there is still an audience for them. Since this is the case, you must think of them not as a means to an end, but as a way to get your story heard.
Plus, they are affordable and easy to produce. Podcast listeners often want information about a specific topic, something more in-depth or intimate than the written word.
With a podcast you make your own media. You don’t need to rely on reporters, editors or the creative vision of someone, instead you deliver your message directly to your audience.
With podcast you can bolster existing content by offering an audio version. You can also use podcasts to enhance a your story with follow up interviews or guests speakers. It is as simple as adding ‘a listen to the story link’ to your existing written piece.
Another way to engage your audience and diversify your content is to use videos. Statistics show that email open rates double when ‘video’ is used in the subject line and click through rates increase also increase.
Most importantly, if you ever want to reach and engage a younger audience, you need to use video. According to a ComScore Study from 2013 83% of 12-17 year olds and 91% of 18-24 year olds are watching online video on a regular basis.
Have a strategy
Yes, video is important, but don’t run off and make a video without creating a video strategy. Don’t worry creating a video strategy isn’t hard. All the strategy does is ensure you have a story to tell. Then you ensure that you have all the resources you need to make the video. Your strategy should also consider what has worked in the past for you and build upon that foundation.
Create the content
Keep in mind that you are not Cecil B DeMille, so your video’s length should not rival that of the 10 Commandments movie. Attention spans are short. Your video content should fall in the two to three minute range. If you must you can go up to six minutes, but only for a truly in-depth piece no adding fluff just to bolster your video length.
Also, your organization isn’t the star, your mission is keep the focus on the mission. Use the video to show the impact of your mission, or the reason for the mission.
Going viral
You want your video to go viral, that’s why you want content that tells a compelling story that transports your audience, that is what gets them to share your video, but you won’t go viral if no one ever sees your video. In order for your video to get maximum views you need a plan.
Have a plan
That’s right, once again, you need to have a plan before you post the video. Unfortunately, just posting to your website or Facebook won’t maximize your exposure. To do that you need to get it on other sites, which means you have to reach out to bloggers, and other organizations that match your mission and have them post the video.
Remember audio and video content is a great tool to reach a wider audience and build intimacy with your audience. Just remember to have a plan, especially for your video content and distribution.
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