Nearly every industry, and consequently every individual has been faced with financial issues in the last couple years. If indicators prove to be right, 2011 should see a return to some measure of prosperity across the board.
We are already seeing growth in some sectors, and several nonprofits have reported increases in their receipts toward the end of 2010. In addition to the basic increases in giving, we're tracking some trends for the next year that show some promise. If you're not already aware of these, keep an eye on future issues for specifics and advice on how you can maximize your involvement with them.
In particular, be on the lookout for increases in mobile giving and the applications that enable this trend on mobile phones and other portable devices. Also, watch for software providers to increasingly move toward cloud and SaaS based applications. And you can expect to see better quality in donor research.
We wish you all the best of success in your endeavors for 2011 and beyond, and we appreciate your continued support.
Scott Koegler
Executive Editor