Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Kindful Donor Management Systems

Kindful, a cloud-based online fundraising software solution, believes they can help non-profits increase efficiency through automation. If your organization uses Eventbrite, Shopify Emma or Quickbooks important donor information is stored at each site, but not easy accessible by your organization, with Kindful the information no longer needs to be entered manually.  Read more...

Fund Accounting Roundup 2014

Whether your organization has chapters all over the country or is a small grass roots project with just one office and a small staff, the success of your organization depends on careful monitoring of finances.


NeonCRM Non-profit Management

Streamline the management of your non-profit organization with NeonCRM by Z2 Systems. A fully cloud-based non-profit management system NeonCRM includes everything you need to manage donors, volunteers and payments.  Read more...

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