Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Using Creative Commons License to Benefit Your Nonprofit Organization

It's no secret that nonprofit organizations tend to do things on the cheap. Heck, it's part of what makes us responsible stewards of the donations we receive. One way to stretch your dollars further is to get familiar with the concept of Creative Commons. This is a type of copyright that allows others to use works created by someone else, generally at no cost. Sounds good, doesn't it? Read more...

Get Less Spam in Your Inbox

Opening your email box to find dozens of offers for products you don't need is annoying and time consuming. Worse yet, you could get bamboozled by a spammer and end up costing yourself or your nonprofit organization a lot of money. The best way to avoid all of these hassles is to also avoid the spam. Of course, that is easier said than done. Spammers are ruthless and relentless, and it takes a lot to protect yourself and your organization from their efforts.


Using the Internet to Find Grant Opportunities

There is no doubt that the Internet has opened up many amazing new avenues for nonprofit awareness and fundraising. We’ve talked about several of them right here in this blog—from raising money through online shopping malls to creating your own contests and auctions. Another incredible opportunity that has been created is the ability to find foundations and other entities that provide grant funding to nonprofits such as your own.

In the “old days,” finding the right funder took a whole lot more time and effort. It involved paying a small fortune for a print foundation directory or even going all the way to the library to spend the day with their most recent edition and a pocketful of dimes for the copy machine. Now it’s possible to do a great deal of grant research without ever even leaving your desk. Read more...

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