Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

From the Top - NOZA

NOZA's Craig Harris talks with NPTech News

NPTech News: What is the current focus of your company's business?
Harris: Raising money for nonprofit organizations is hard work and its expensive. NOZA's overarching focus is to make it easier and less costly. The number one reason that people donate to charity is because they are asked. Unfortunately, figuring out whom to ask is easier said than done, especially when it comes to identifying individual donors, who collectively account for nearly 85% of all charitable donations in the U.S. This is where NOZA comes into the picture: we help charities identify who to ask. Our mission statement is to help nonprofits raise more money and spend less money doing it. More specifically you could say our focus is to help charities identify whom to ask, and in a way that makes little to no impact on their fundraising budgets. Read more...

Featured White Paper for 9/25/07

Every nonprofit knows that fundraisers are critical to their existence. Without donations, no resources are available to support the primary cause or purpose of the organization. While most traditional media channels have been exhausted, new opportunities have arisen in the online sector. By tapping into cutting-edge online resources, your organization can achieve fundraising objectives that far exceed established boundaries.

Download this whitepaper. Image

Six Unique Fundraising Techniques


Just One Question - Robert Capanna

Just One Question: How do you prioritize your membership activities?

Robert Capanna, Executive Director of Settlement Music School in Philladelphia, Penn. answers.


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