Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Here Are 6 More Fundraising Ideas to Consider

There are hundreds or even thousands of reasons to fundraise. It can be because you want to help people get through problems such as medical bills or fund a nonprofit mission. You can also fundraise to help individuals hit by a disaster. No matter the reason for fundraising, the only key to success is having the right fundraising ideas. Without the right fundraising strategy, you will not succeed in any cause. To help you develop the right fundraising strategy, here are six fundraising ideas that you should consider.


Here Are 6 Fundraising Ideas to Consider

Fundraising is not an easy task for many nonprofits. It often demands creativity and tweaks from the traditional approaches that potential donors have gotten used to. As a nonprofit leader or a fundraising organizer, you have used approaches such as auctions, mail marketing, or walkathons. However, as we head to another important nonprofit season, here are six fundraising ideas to consider that may increase your fortunes and take your fundraising initiatives to the next level.


Start NOW Planning Your 2022 Fundraising Strategies

As a person who has been in the nonprofit sector for a while, you already know the importance of donors and proper planning. Unfortunately, most nonprofit professionals lack adequate strategies to boost their fundraising efforts. According to Donor Search, more than 88% of all funds in nonprofits come from just 12% of donors- major donors.


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