Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Address These Fundraising Challenges

The past few decades have been difficult for nonprofits and charities. With the demand for charity now rising more than ever before, the already strained budgets are facing immense pressure. One of the biggest challenges to nonprofits is the changes that take place in the nonprofit environment, such as taxation regimes. Public trust is also reducing, and it is now time for nonprofit leaders to innovate to ensure that they protect their mission and offer services regardless of the changes in the environment.


What is Your Nonprofit's Funding Model?

Money is a crucial necessity that keeps any nonprofit in operation. It is for this reason that this is the leading topic of conversation among professionals in this sector. Among the key points of discussion is where money can be obtained for, why there is less money and how much money is needed to fund a particular cause.  These questions become even louder in tough times like we are today. The answers to these questions cannot be obtained easily. As a nonprofit leader, here are some nonprofit funding models that you need to acquaint yourself with to maneuver the ever-dynamic charity landscape.


Don't Struggle With These Issues - Resolve Them

From poor fundraising strategy to bad causes and initiatives, nonprofits always face numerous challenges in the modern world where running a successful charity requires concrete strategy and aggressiveness. Despite many successes that you might encounter in the beginning as a nonprofit leader, the road might not always look as easy as it might appear at the start. While you might have the money to fund your project in the beginning, expansion will lead to many other financial challenges that can affect your operations. Here are issues that you must resolve to keep your nonprofit going.


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