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Fundraising website made easy:

A MyEvent fundraising page is hosted on a secure website and you can chose to have a customized domain name so your donors can easily find your fundraising page. A MyEvent site can be branded for your specific organization. You can upload everything you need for a dynamic fundraising page. You can include photos, videos and music, MyEvent let’s you use three 20Mb songs on your website. You can also have a Flash intro to your website or embed YouTube videos.
Make your site interactive with polls, quizzes and message boards. In addition you can build forms (like a registration form), create a guest book, make a Frequently Asked Questions page and have a blog.
Track how many visitors your event page had with the hit counter. Build excitement with an event countdown. Ensure your event is a success by promoting it with Twitter and Facebook and sending out reminder emails.
Your organization can have unlimited pages and each participant can have an individual fundraising page, or you can have team fundraising pages. Guests can RSVP to the event directly on your website and if you wish you can display who has RSVP’d to the event.
Of course, if you prefer you can have MyEvent build the website for your organization, prices start at $149.
Use your MyEvent fundraising page to collect online donations. The transaction fee is 5% plus + $ .75 per ticket or donation. You can offer your donors the ability to pay all the fees so your organization can keep 100% of the donation amount.
Along with collecting donations and selling event tickets you can sell online raffle tickets or you could use the platform to run an online auction. You can even sell sponsorship packages. Your advertisers can upload their artwork to your site.
MyEvent includes a budget feature so you can track your event expenses. My event includes a tool so at the end of the event you can send out tax receipts. Pricing varies, but the basic package which doesn’t include a domain name is free, the premium site which does include a domain name starts at $19.95/mo.
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