Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Remote Fundraising Tools are Available and Critical

When it comes to using remote tools to support workforce, nonprofit sector organizations appear to have been left behind compared to technology companies. This is due to technology and infrastructure costs that are often high or unavailable at all. The truth in this, however, is that there are many advantages that remote tools can offer. They can enhance productivity and can help nonprofits do highly critical tasks and increase their funding altogether. According to a report by the National Center for Charitable Statistics, the amount of donations continues growing, but the number of nonprofits has also increased. The US alone has more than 1.5 million active charitable organizations that conduct different fundraising activities. Due to this surge, nonprofits must find ways to articulate their cause and compel donors to give more if they are to remain viable. This can only be achieved by using digital tools that connect potential donors to different causes.


Nonprofit Tech Challenges You Need to Address Now

Operating a nonprofit organization can be highly rewarding but can equally be challenging. In a  world where technology determines many operations, leaders of nonprofits have a lot on their plate, from ever-changing technologies to shifts in government regulations. Although many things keep coming up, nonprofits must always focus their efforts on updating their technologies, taking into account the fact that technology has always become the least among their priorities in the past. With the increasing cybersecurity issues in the corporate environment today, nonprofits must always stay abreast with changes that may impact their operations. While doing so, many nonprofits face tech-related challenges, some of that tend to affect their authority.


Nonprofits Providing Relief through Tech

For decades, the success of nonprofits has been defined by the amount of money they raise from donors. In the age of technology, this is no longer the case. Apart from the amount a nonprofit can raise, the ability of particular nonprofit to adopt technology and use it in providing its services has proven to be a game-changer. Technology has helped in various aspects of nonprofit ranging from engaging potential donors, eliciting fundraising and enabling nonprofits to track their operations.  It goes without saying of course that for a nonprofit to claim to be successful, it must deliver on its mission and objectives that the organization was created to fulfil.


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