Lorna Doone Brewer

Lorna Doone Brewer

Can a Virtual Assistant Save Your Nonprofit Money?

robotassistantIn the past few years, the small business world has experienced several shifts in perception. Many of these are ideas that were already known to nonprofits (bootstrapping, for instance), while others are new-fangled approaches that just might have some real-world applications for the nonprofit sector. The concept of virtual assistants is one that falls into this latter category. Read more...

Utilizing Email Newsletters as a Marketing Tool

EmailLogoOnce you have the attention of a potential supporter, what do you do to keep him or her active and engaged? With so many distractions vying for our volunteers’ and donors’ time, it’s more important than ever to build a relationship with them. Email newsletters provide a really good opportunity to do just that. Read more...

Smartphones Present New Donor Opportunities

Smartphone_AppsPhones aren’t just for making calls these days. They are being used to send text messages, to surf the web, and to interact with organizations through “apps.” What does this mean for the nonprofit that wants to reach out via this technology? Nonprofits are always looking for new and better ways to engage their constituents, and the advent of the “smartphone” offers just that. Read more...

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