
Mission Research GiftWorks Fundraising Software

Mission Research GiftWorks Premium Fundraising Software (www.missionresearch.com ) is a comprehensive fundraising and donor management solution. This software allows a nonprofit organization to manage donors, donations and gives the user the ability to track up to 50 custom fields. It has the ability to create targeted lists, mailings and reports. Read more...

Best Buy Hopes to Raise $1 Million for Teen Charity

According to Yahoo Finance that Best Buy will donate a portion of any @15 Gift to the @15 Fund.

Ubisoft's Petz Helps the ASCPA

The Earth Times is reporting that Ubisoft’s video game Petz allows players to earn points to benefit the American Society to Prevent Cruelty to Animals.

Because of Twitter Ashton Kutcher Donates 10,000 Mosquito Nets

The LA Times is reporting that after winning a contest against CNN to see who could gain more followers on Twitter, Ashton Kutcher will donate 10,000 mosquito nets to charity for World Malaria Day.

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