
Review: Wordpress for Nonprofits

Building a website can be a daunting task for a nonprofit organization just starting out. When many newer charities rely heavily on volunteers – employing a design team is out of the question. As the need for websites and content management increase – there are many web design platforms that charities can take advantage of. Using a design platform is less expensive then hiring a design team but it can still be pricey after hosting fees and a domain name are calculated.  As the number one content management system (CMS) with 61.8% of the market share and nearly 55,000 web plugins to enhance a website – WordPress should definitely be considered when a nonprofit is designing a new website for their organization or creating one for the first time.


Understanding How Blacklists Can Affect Your Nonprofit’s Email Marketing

BlackListAs a nonprofit organization, you likely use email as an inexpensive and effective method of keeping your clients and supporters up-to-date about what you’re doing. You can use an email campaign to educate about your cause or even to solicit donations and volunteers. Unfortunately, there are some hazards that come along with being reliant on this medium of communication. One danger is ending up on the “blacklist.” Read more...

Chase and Facebook Launch Innovative Giving Program for Small and Local Charities

For the first time ever, Facebookâ users will be able to choose from more than 500,000 small and local charities to decide which community organizations they want to receive donations totaling millions of dollars from a corporate philanthropy fund. Chase and Facebook has announced the launch of Chase Community Giving: You Decide What Matters, a grassroots campaign to inspire a new way of corporate philanthropy. Read more...

Blackbaud Sphere Grow Provides Nonprofits a Solution and Strategy for Online Success

Blackbaud, Inc. (Nasdaq: BLKB), the leading global provider of software and related services designed specifically for nonprofit organizations, has announced the release of Blackbaud Sphere Grow™. This new “Grow” version of the company’s popular web-based emarketing and event fundraising solution, Blackbaud Sphere, provides nonprofits an affordable turn-key solution with a guided implementation and ongoing consulting services. Read more...

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