

Pledgemaker (www.pledgemaker.com) makes no bones about its target market... the larger, multi-chapter organization involved in fund raising activities. In order to address that market the system includes a variety of facilities that address the needs and concerns of those organizations needing to manage and track activities centrally for multiple locations. Read more...

6 Unique Online Fundraising Techniques for Your Nonprofit - Part 2

Online Auctions
One of the most effective online fundraising tools you can use today is the online auction. Nonprofits know that auctions are time consuming and difficult to manage, but also very lucrative. In 2006 alone, more than 16 billion dollars was raised through charitable auctions in the U.S. (National Auctioneers Association). Furthermore, auctions give nonprofit organizations the unique ability to tap into “household spending” dollars which compose 66% of the GNP compared to the only 2% allocated to “charitable giving” (Making Auctions Work Best for Corporate Sponsors and Fundraisers). The use of an online auction in your nonprofit will reduce the amount of resources required to host the auction while maximizing the potential profits. Read more...

Review: Auctionpay Event Software

Auctionpay Event Software Version 4.2 is a versatile application that provides nonprofit organizations the ability to track and manage fundraising event details in a central location. This system has multiple modules and has the capabilities of handling all aspects of an event including the ability to add and edit event information, manage reservations and creating an event catalog which can be printed or used online. Read more...

FUND E-Z Accounting Base System Version 9.0

FUND E-Z Accounting Base System Version 9.0 (http://www.fundez.com/index.asp) is a multi-module affordable system which can take care of all of your accounting and fund raising needs in a single application. FUND E-Z can track funds, general ledger accounts, create allocations and budgets. This system has a “drill down” feature which allows users to move through multiple layers of detailed reports into the source transaction and edit and fix errors. The fixed reports will refresh instantly. Another nice and unique feature is the audit checker which tracks modified and deleted data by user numbers, date and time stamps. This feature is essential if you have multiple entities that require joint reporting to ensure all data is correct and error free.


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