Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Mobile conference & meeting management systems

Event-Management-service-AnnualDinnerHosting a large scale event such as a multi-day conference takes meticulous attention to detail, of course even if you are only hosting a small scale event there are still many elements that need to come together to make the event a success. Read more...

Small World Community

small world communityEngagement is key to the success of your nonprofit, donors want to feel a sense of community with your organization and other donors. But, it can be difficult to foster that sense of community across all the different channels that your organization uses for communication. Read more...

TechTip: Gesture Auction Services

gesture logoDonors enjoy the festive, ever so slightly competitive feeling of a charity auction. But, hosting a fundraising auction requires several components from finding the auction items and inviting the guests, to handling the bidding and check out process that can overwhelm even the most experienced nonprofits. Read more...

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