Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Tech for Nonprofits in 2017 - A Recap

2017-calendar-760The beginning of a new year is always time for reflection and resolutions. So let's reflect on the technology that helped nonprofits fulfill their mission in 2017. While its true there were no stunning technology breakthroughs that changed the nonprofit digital landscape there were small advances to existing tech that made it more user friendly or gave it broader appeal. Read more...

Classy Passport

classyIf your organization is contemplating running a fundraising campaign that targets donors globally then using a fundraising platform such as Classy, which provides a feature called Classy Passport can make your campaign run smoother. Read more...

Podcasting 101

podcastDoes the word podcast make you think of the early 2000s? Do you think podcasting has went the way of the original iPod? Then you will be surprised to learn that It hasn’t. In fact, since the first podcast in 2004 users have continuously “tuned” into their favorite podcasts. Read more...

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