Jennifer Flaten

Jennifer Flaten

Is Facebook Still Viable for Nonprofits?

facebook-questionmarkIf your organization has a Facebook page, then you’re familiar with Facebook’s endless tinkering with the algorithm. However, the bad press Facebook recieved for its part in the proliferation of “fake” news has caused the social media giant to once again meddle with the algorithm. Read more...


zohoZoho Creator,best known as an online database builder, understands that nonprofits want to focus on their mission, not building the perfect database, so Zoho has bundled all the essentials necessary to run a nonprofit into one package. Read more...

Volunteer motivation and participation.

VolunteeringGetting supporters to volunteer is important to achieving your goals, but it is vitally important that you keep those volunteers motivated and engaged, otherwise they may no longer give their time to your organization. Read more...

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