Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler

Scott Koegler is Executive Editor for PMG360. He is a technology writer and editor with 20+ years experience delivering high value content to readers and publishers. 

Find his portfolio here and his personal bio here

Compensation Plans for Nonprofit Employees

Strategic compensation of employees is a crucial ingredient of success for any nonprofit. Proper compensation of employees for their hard work and thanking them for a job well done sets a tone for proper employer/employee relationships. It provides the right foundation for the sustainable growth of a nonprofit. This increases employee retention rates and long-term engagement. However, developing an employee compensation strategy for a nonprofit is never easy. Luckily, the payoffs are worth the struggle, especially for nonprofits that seek to retain their staff and keep the morale of their staff high. Balancing all these aspects is easy said than done. However, it may be easy for some organizations.


Don't Overlook These Ways to Improve Your Organization

Nonprofits are, without a doubt, among the most impactful organizations in society. They are made up of professionals who have excellent qualities and intend to work selflessly to serve communities. Despite the good intentions that nonprofits have, they have their challenges, most of which are associated with diversity and inclusion. Although 9 out of 10 nonprofit employees believe that their organizations value diversity, most of them agree that more needs to be done.


Make Certain You're Following These 6 Compliance Requirements

Compliance among the nonprofits is a key element for remaining in operations. Nonprofits must comply with all federal, state and local regulations at all times to guarantee operations. Although nonprofit compliance requirements vary from one jurisdiction to the other and can be complex or unclear, ensuring you comply with them is important no matter where you are. In today’s digital landscape characterized by online fundraising, the internet could lead to new compliance requirements in areas where donors reside. While there is an existing compliance framework, it does not account for online campaigns.


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