Bob Alves

Bob Alves

Vertical Leap is reporting that Google+ will soon include small to medium business profile pages.

mobiledeviceAssociations are constantly looking for new ways to connect and engage with members - so what if there was a way for organizations to get their attention from the moment they woke up in the morning? This is a possibility, since 35 percent of people in the US check their mobile apps before they even get out of bed, according to a recent Ericsson survey. It's clear that mobile apps are changing the way people interact today by allowing them to access information at any time and from anywhere. Read more...

What Non-Profits Need to Know Before Jumping on the Mobile Bandwagon

mobiledonorThink that members and donors aren't reading emails or viewing websites on their mobile devices? Think again. According to a recent Strategy Analytics report, the number of U.S. mobile device owners who use their phones to access the Internet has quadrupled over the past four years. ASI partner Informz also found that, among its non-profit clients, mobile readership of email has more than doubled in the past 12 months. Read more...

Four Questions to Ask Before Buying or Building a Mobile App

mobileappsOver the past three years, more than 300,000 mobile apps have been developed, and in 2010, these applications were downloaded 10.9 billion times, according to IDC. Many non-profits don't have to be sold on the benefits of creating mobile apps; by now, most know that the mobile trend is only going to increase in popularity, and that a mobile strategy can serve as another way to engage and interact with members and donors.

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