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AccuFund Publishes New EBook: The Trust Factor and Nonprofit Financial Management.

AccuFund, Inc. provider of financial reporting and accounting software for nonprofit organizations, today published its new EBook, “The Trust Factor and Nonprofit Financial Management” to help nonprofits identify key factors for building and protecting the trust that ultimately ensures their missions.  

In today’s ever changing landscape, trust is critical for a nonprofit’s success. Trust in internal operations. Trust in reporting. Trust in outcomes. Trust in fulfilling missions. While funding has often been referred to as the lifeblood of an organization, trust is the primary prerequisite.  Without trust, there is no gift or grant award.  

Download the new EBook, “The Trust Factor and Nonprofit Financial Management” at www.accufund.com/trustebook

The new EBook, “The Trust Factor and Nonprofit Financial Management” outlines the importance of trust in all key phases of nonprofit management, program management, and outcomes management while also detailing areas that might make an organization vulnerable.

  • What can you do to strengthen the trust factor at your organization?
  • What areas of your organization are vulnerable?
  • What technologies can you utilize to minimize risk?

“Trust is not something you can think about every few months or once a year. It’s central to an organization’s success and needs constant nurturing. There is a direct correlation between the trust factor and a nonprofits level of transparency and accountability. If you have proper systems, procedures and technologies in place, it can help improve trust, explains Peter Stam, AccuFund President. Now, more than ever, donors are most critical of the organizations they choose to support. If they deem your organization lacking in the trust factor, they will donate elsewhere. Similarly, if your grant requirements aren’t accurately fulfilled, you risk losing current and future grant rewards.”

Improving the trust factor involves serious organizational review.  It takes time to rigorously evaluate whether you are taking the necessary measures to protect the trust you’ve earned and strengthen the trust required for ongoing sustainability. This EBook, “The Trust Factor and Nonprofit Financial Management” provides helpful tips to guide nonprofits through assessing their current level of trust and highlights areas that help strengthen the trust factor.

Download the new EBook, “The Trust Factor and Nonprofit Financial Management” at www.accufund.com/trustebook

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