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Chat Bots Featured

"White robot human features" "White robot human features"

Chatbots are a great way to increase your staff without increasing your payroll. Chatbots are simply software that interacts via speech or text and uses algorithms to determine what the user wants/needs.  Adding a chat bot can help you increase donations, awareness and engagement. 

Chatbots can do everything from answer frequently asked questions to notify subscribers to upcoming events. For example, the nonprofit Water Aid uses a chatbot named Sellu  that gives donors an interactive look at their donations in action. Your organization can also use the chat bot to perform surveys. Chat bot surveys get a better response rate than standard surveys. 

There are several bot platforms that can be customized to work for your organization. Several of them such as GIVVN and Bot platform work with Facebook Messenger. There are options available to custom build your own chat bot to work on your website.

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