StratusLIVE for Fundraisers Suite cloud-based fundraising and CRM solution what makes it different from other nonprofit donor management platforms is that StratusLIVE gives your organization control of your data.
By offering options to analyze, visualize and utilize your data your team can make faster decisions. Market to a better defined audience to ensure that you get the best return on your investment. StratusLIVE is a fully functioning fundraising platform that works as a donor & campaign management tool.
Stratus your organization can accept donations and pledge payments. You can also generate a variety of reports on your donations received and progress towards your campaign’s goal.
With each donor you enter, you are collecting data. It is what you do with that data that makes a big difference to the success of your organization.
Use StratusLIVE’s data visualization and analytics to look at a wide array of data; such as donor activities, donations, pledges, marketing, or events including in real-time.
In addition to data analytics StratusLIVE offers Nonprofit Business Intelligence. Use your data to make informed decisions. Create presentations using the integrated Excel with Power Pivot. The tools will help you create flexible data models lets you measure progress with key performance indicators for your organization.