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[New eBook] Fundraising Matters: Building a Culture of Philanthropy

Released under the Blackbaud Institute of Philanthropic Impact, our fifth annual installment in the popular npEXPERTS eBook series brings together 10 of the brightest minds in social good to share their unique perspectives on creating a culture of philanthropy—one in which executives, board members, accountants, marketers, and everyone in between understand the importance of your organization’s fundraising success and how they can contribute to it within their unique roles. 

Experts and topics include:

1.) Beth Kanter (Beth’s Blog) – Marketing
2.) Anne Wallestad (BoardSource) – Board of Directors
3.) Linda Wood (Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund) – Leadership
4.) Katrina VanHuss (Turnkey) – Peer to Peer
5.) Andrea McManus (ViTreo) – Development
6.) Jann Schultz (Project Hope) – Analytics
7.) Cheryl Contee (Fission & – Social
8.) Wendy Watson-Hallowell (Belief Works) – Outcomes
9.) Pamela Barden (PJ Barden Inc) – Programs
10.) Russell Pomeranz (Claverack Advisory Group) – Finance

Download your copy of npEXPERTS – Fundraising Matters: Building a Culture of Philanthropy.  For more information about this eBook, check out the latest npENGAGE blog from Ashley Thompson, managing director of the Blackbaud Institute.

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